景观-欧洲地区 – ALA-Designdaily http://www.aladesigndaily.com ALA-Designdaily Sun, 27 Sep 2020 05:24:28 +0000 zh-Hans hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Kirkkojärvi Flood Park http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17920 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17920#respond Sun, 27 Sep 2020 05:24:28 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17920 非常感谢 Loci 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards Loci providing the following description:

Kirkkojärvi Park is a green oasis in the Espoo river valley. The idea of the park is based on the dynamic movement of the water and sculpting the ground. The former lake that was at the area was brought to the landscape as a symbolic, open flood field. The lake returns to the landscape when the river floods.

Kirkkojärvi Park is located in central Espoo, the second largest city by population in Finland. The park used to be a lake but was drained in 1959 with the building of Finnish National Road 1. The River Espoonjoki runs through the scrubby wetlands of Kirkkojärvi.

The Espoonjoki floods frequently because of meltwater in the spring and heavy rainfall in the autumn. In addition, climate change has made flooding during the winter more common. Flooding blocks the light transportation routes and playing fields in the riverside area.

The small figures above present four different water levels in Kirkkojärvi before the flood management operations. The first figure on the left shows the mean water level, which is an averaged height of the water in the area. The last figure on the right shows occasions where the water level rises so high that it covers all the playing fields and the riverside route and reaches several buildings built on low-lying ground. For example, level +4.73 msl is a calculatory water level of floods occurring once in twenty years in Kirkkojärvi area.

The flood management was achieved mostly by stabilising and raising critical parts of the riverside route. In this way, the flooding Espoonjoki would stay in its riverbed and the riverside park can be in use most of the time. The figure above and cross-sections below show the procedures undertaken in Kirkkojärvi Park.

The water is the heart of the new recreation area, as well as a challenge in planning. The riverbed was reshaped and planted, and new seating places were added to the riverside. The wooden lookout deck in Kaivomestari Square offers a panoramic view of the river valley. It also hides the big stormwater pipes underneath.

The floods and the constantly changing landscape in Kirkkojärvi Park make it a particularly exciting, interesting and memorable place. The path in the southernmost part of the park divides Kirkkojärvi Park into two distinct areas: the open floodplain of the River Espoonjoki in the north and the functional spaces in the south and east.

The overall idea was to create an ecological plan in which the design of the terrain and dynamic water movements are the central principles. The role of the park path as a symbolic old Kirkkojärvi shoreline was emphasised with natural stones, grasses, and riverside vegetation. New sectorally planted trees intensify the spatiality and give borders to the long views of the river valley.

The upper picture below shows the Espoonjoki in its normal state. The picture below it is edited to showcase a level +4.73 msl flood in the improved, flood-resilient Kirkkojärvi Park.

Kirkkojärvi Park also has an important role in raising environmental awareness. The flood management solutions and dynamics of the environmental processes are brought to the attention of park-users by locating information signs and water-level indicator posts along the park path.

Type: Open Competition

Project name: Kirkkojärvi Flood Park

Office: LOCI Landscape Architects

Website: www.loci.fi

Client: City of Espoo

Design: 2011-2014

Completion: 2014

Photographs: Pyry Kantonen Photography

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LILA 2020: Girona’s Shores http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17879 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17879#respond Tue, 08 Sep 2020 08:20:09 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17879 非常感谢 EMF Landscape Architecture 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards EMF Landscape Architecture providing the following description:

EMF self-initiated* project Girona’s shores, is an on-going effort to reclaim, develop and manage a multifunctional green infrastructure (GI). It integrates the city’s edge nature as a strategic asset to reimagine a green-open conurbation. Its goal is to construct the largest public facility of town.

Where in an already established town, do we find ‘nature’ suitable to form an extensive green network? Richard TT Forman has no doubt: on the dynamic edge. And at what cost can it be made feasible? Insofar the functionality of GI depends on its extension and connectivity, and given the persistent precariousness of the public sector, such a green infrastructure is only feasible if it is very-low-cost to implement and manage. Only beautiful if big. Only big if cheap.

After six years of attempts, we depict what we believe could be a replicable frugal, malleable method:

• A distributed understanding of town. The concept of ‘shore’, town’s edge, in itself counteracts the usual epicentral, hierarchical nature of urban public space and spins it out to the edge, bringing it closer to each and every neighbourhood. ‘Far’ is always near ‘the shore’.

• An inverted project sequence. This large-scale infrastructural project emerged not from previous public demand or funding, but from the knowledge gained through self-commissioned small-scale, bold interventions on site: the pilot projects and their palpable results. Thus starting from the small scale, with the carrying out of low-tech, very-low-cost pilot projects, with immediate and demonstrative results, until later developing the overall vision. Thus the tools and tactics of palpable impact and the feasibility are prioritised before “the grand” metropolitan strategy. Pilot projects as ‘sketches’. As a way of testing ideas by drawing on the site itself through removing and adjusting vegetation. This created different kinds of spaces with different potentials for human occupation and ecological biodiversity.

• An interpretation of differentiated-management as a landscape design-praxis practice, which permits the immediate diversification and appropriation of the agroforestry mosaic of the naturban border. Differentiated’ management, developed by designing and drawing directly on the site and based on the design of ecological succession. The strategy is based on frugality, on recurring actions and successive observations and adjustments to management regimes. The design process for Girona is open and does not rely on a conventional process where conception and construction are separated. Rather, it is highly site-specific, intermingling design, construction, and management. It gives the design process immediacy; adjustments are made in the moment.

• Out of the on-site design-of-differentiated-management, raised a new naturban aesthetic for ‘the shore’, neither urban nor natural, which conjures upcombines a mosaic rich mosaic in biodiversity and with a designed socially rewarding appearance aspect.

• Cheap & chic. In the pilot projects that we have carried out, we estimate that the average cost of “managing” 1 m2 at a very low cost (1-2€/m2), between 50 and 400 times less than an intervention in an urban street of square.

• A drafting and implementation team is formed in which the environmental technical services and the municipal “brigade” become co-designers, executors, managers and multipliers of the project. The knowledge thus generated is virtuously recycled, rooted and replicated with the same local actors. And it self-seeds.

• Responsive upgrading through successive acting. The transversal knowledge alliance and the flexible protocol that is constantly being rewritten in relation to actual site conditions is perhaps the most resilient and successful facet of this project. Indeed, all the knowhow derived from the pilot projects is now applied and amplified by new differentiated management protocols throughout the edges of the city.

• The framework Project is a road map that outlines the Multifunctional Green Infrastructure of Girona, which includes a plan of action for the entire “shore” divided in 13 loops. An open method, with the federation of its autonomous initiatives, proposes an “opportune” route in the context of an uncertain economic and political environment.

• Finally the construct of a new city-imaginary through 11 ways to looking at the shore, introduced as a tool of for political communication and dissuasion. Departing from multiple narratives it argues for the relevance of a new green ‘eixample’ (expansion) and the emergencedevelopment of a metropolitan conurbation.

The relevance of this project rests on its response-ability to precariousness at several spatial and temporal scales. To rely on landscape-design-operatives, and beauty as a lever to empower reclaim a green infrastructure with hardly funding. And ultimately for its capacity to create and share landscape-design-knowledge among the city ‘brigades’ as disseminating agents.

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Name of the project: Girona´s shores
Design laboratory for the construct of an urban low-cost Green Infrastructure
Project category (Infrastructure)
Role of the entrant in the project:
Martí Franch, Gemma Batllori, Héloise Bouju
Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
Marine Coudert, Tatiana Rojas, Caroline Holz, François Poupeau, Anna Smierzchalska, Alessandra Schmid, Meruyert Syzdykova, Mercè Pagés, Sergi Romero
Project location Girona, Catalonia
Design year: 2014 – 2020
Year Built: 2014 – 2020

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北杜伊斯堡风景公园,德国 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17845 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17845#respond Wed, 19 Aug 2020 13:39:01 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17845 非常感谢 Latz + Partner 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards Latz + Partner providing the following description:


作为建筑展中的一个项目,蒂森梅德里希炼铁厂由彼得·拉兹教授 (Prof. Peter Latz)设计,被改造为杜伊斯堡北景观公园,成为如今享誉全球的后工业景观改造的典范。公园占地约200公顷,它既不是传统意义上的公园,也不是人们普遍感觉上的景观。北杜伊斯堡风景公园整合、重塑、发展和串联起由原有工业用地功能塑造的肌理,并为此寻找一个新的景观文法。原有的工业肌理与新的设计相互交织,形成新的景观。










公园内已年久失修的铁轨是园区内最连续完整的串联体系。它们以发散性的结构串联起城市的生活和工作片区。 由工程师创造的结构如“竖琴”般的铁路轨道或是平行的往前不断延伸,或是纵横交错——反映着这片工业区的百年发展史。








RUST RED (锈红) ——北杜伊斯堡风景公园



Project Name: Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord — Metamorphosis of the Thyssen-Meiderichiron works into a landscape park
Design:Latz + Partner
Project design & completion year: 1990-2002
Project address: Duisburg, Germany
Building area: 200 hectares
Partners: (Partner) Latz-Riehl, Günther Lipkowsky, 
Realization by help of citizens’ action, associations and employment schemes
Clients: Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadt Duisburg, Emschergenossenschaft Essen, Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet
Leader designer & Team
Leader Designer: Peter Latz
Project managers: Christine Rupp-Stoppel in the head office in Kranzberg, Karl-Heinz Danielzik in the project office in Duisburg
Staff – design: Stefanie Meinicke (†), Peter Bedner, Renate Bickelmann, Tilman Latz, Marianne Reisig, Martina Schneider, Robert Wenk, Peter Wilde, Jutta Wippermann et al.
Interns: Claudia Baumstark, Ulrike Böhm, Georg Klumpen, Christoph Marx, Martin Prominski et al.

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德国克雷默大桥滨水空间 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17781 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17781#respond Wed, 22 Jul 2020 06:24:29 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17781 非常感谢 Rehwaldt Landscape Architects 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。

Appreciation towards Rehwaldt Landscape Architects providing the following description:











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Schoolyard St Lutgardiscollege http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17715 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17715#respond Mon, 06 Jul 2020 18:11:46 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17715 非常感谢 Studio Basta 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards Studio Basta providing the following description:

A transformation from a dull, grey playground to a challenging green one
Studio Basta: Two years ago, the Lutgardiscollege playground looked much like most other playgrounds in Belgium: a wall-to-wall dull, grey surface of concrete pavers, posing very little challenge. This type of playground often serves as the sovereign domain of ‘king football’, which was true of Lutgardiscollege as well. The result? Schoolchildren not in the game are forced into the margins. These margins are absent of any programme, challenge, experience or beauty, among others. Children aren’t really free to enjoy themselves to the full, which leads to bullying, injuries and concentration problems in the classroom. The overall visual appeal and aesthetics of places like this simply isn’t present. It’s a sad affair if you consider how many years a schoolchild encounters this kind of outdoor space. For some it may even be the only outdoor space they do encounter.

A place for everyone
Transforming these kinds of playgrounds into green, adventure-packed spaces offers so many more opportunities and benefits. The spatial layout, varied programme and the green, adventure-packed design ensure that every schoolchild has a good time, whether in a group or alone, both actively and passively. According to scientific studies, playgrounds like this lead to less bullying and injuries and result in children heading back to their classrooms with more energy once playtime is over. The final outcome is improved scholastic performance. Two years after building, the school board can testify to the validity of those studies.

Smart spatial layout
At Lutgardiscollege, the spatial plan was characterised by a series of islands. Some of these were developed into hills, while others were at ground level or shaped into recessed seating areas. Different programmes were linked to the different islands: from a sandbox for the littlest ones, to a football arena for the youth. By linking a certain programme to a specific island, the age groups are separated without losing the spatial unity or having to resort to unimaginative barriers and/or “invisible lines”. The new playground shrank (due to a new, neighbouring residential development) from 3,000 m² to 1,850 m², while still intended for use by the same number of pupils. The smart spatial plan – e.g., the space for youth to play football no longer encompasses the entire playground, but is now a smaller, recessed football arena – and the 3D experience of hills (‘around, through, over, etc.’) makes it so that the reduced space isn’t noticeable, quite the opposite in fact! The playground as a whole has been made green. The hills are sown with a mixture of flowers and have been planted with shrubs. 25 trees were planted so that in the coming years they will create a lovely canopy. All of the plants grow well in an urban context and can handle the rough and tumble that playtime entails. The green design (un)consciously contributes to greater visual appeal.

Project Name: Schoolyard St Lutgardiscollege, Oudergem, Brussels
Landscape architects: Studio Basta
In corporation with: ARA (technical support) – Urban Platform (Architects)
Design year: 2015 -2016
Construction year: summer 2016 (phase 1) – summer 2017 (phase 2)
Area: 1850 m²
Construction Budget: 270.000 euro (excl tax)

Image credits: Studio Basta & Michiel De Cleene

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迪杰勒三角洲:怀抱河流的珍珠 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17673 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17673#respond Mon, 22 Jun 2020 09:39:08 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17673 非常感谢 Ontwerpbureau Pauwels BVBA  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards Ontwerpbureau Pauwels BVBA providing the following description:

Ontwerpbureau Pauwels:Dijle三角洲是一个综合性的城市中心项目。项目开发商、城市、水资源管理机构(VMM)与 Ontwerpbureau Pauwels 和OKRA/ARA 两个设计团队构成了该项目的四大支柱。他们将这个看似无法摆脱衰败的市中心工业区,通过持续的对话设计,塑造成了一个充分优先考虑了水、光和空间的有凝聚力的场所。




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Photographer: Studio Chloki (www.chloeandkiwi.be)

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Tumbling Bay Playground,London,UK http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17429 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17429#respond Sun, 10 May 2020 18:05:34 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17429 非常感谢LUC将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards LUC providing the following description:

LUC: Part of the long-term regeneration of the London 2012 Olympic site post-games, this project transformed a major sporting venue into a new permanent public park and an appropriate setting for further legacy developments. The project was a central part of the transformation, providing a new community facility and associated play space, and forming part of the network of new pedestrian and cycle connections between the Queen Elizabeth II Olympic Park and surrounding communities which had been previously fragmented and unconnected. Before work began the site was one of the Games concourses opposite the Basketball Stadium, a large area of flat tarmac located between the former Athletes’ Village and the Velodrome and bordering the River Lea wetland basin. It required extensive physical and ecological enhancement to become a space of high physical and environmental quality. It also served as main utilities corridor for the park, making design of the space a significant challenge.

LUC’s concept was inspired by the shapes of an unfurling leaf, with long organic forms that complemented the existing layout of the Olympic Park.

The local ecological heritage informed the key theme of ecological succession. The new play landscape contains a series of character areas, which tell plant life-cycle stories using both soft and hard materials to enhance the sensory experience for children of all ages and abilities. In the pioneer hazel copses and birch pioneer woodland, children can explore willow seed pod dens, hunt for bugs and get their hands dirty. Species were chosen to represent those that first colonise a new or neglected landscape. The sand and water play area was inspired by the history of the River Lea and its industrial past. It allows children to become water engineers – encouraging them to work in groups to dam and pump water through natural rock pools, rivulets and industrial channels, creating a series of splash pools and sand traps along the way. Finally, the Scots pine and oak climax pine forest represent the species that will establish in a landscape over time if it is undisturbed. Erect’s bespoke nest-like climbing structures invite high physical activity and offer expansive views of the wider park for those brave enough to accept the challenge.

LUC’s fluid landform and swathes of draped planting ensure that the topography blends seamlessly into the wider parkland. Permeable boundaries on three sides encourage children to continue to play beyond the designated play space.

During the design process LUC developed the play layer from the child’s perspective, designing experiences rather than just placing equipment. It was crucial to design a space that was inclusive and provided an abundance of play value for every visitor, regardless of age or ability. The experiential qualities were considered right from the beginning, using analytical diagrams and drawings. Sketches explored the concept ideas and considered details of texture, structure and form through hard and soft detail. Models were used to calculate topography and as a tool for communicating with the client as well as a reference for the contractor during construction. Modern methods of construction such as off-site manufacturing were used, but were complemented with artistry and craftsmanship. This approach helped to realise a design that is original and engaging and ensured that concepts for imaginative bespoke play elements were not lost or diluted. The beautifully sculptural poured concrete was created using a range of aggregates and made unique using techniques such as imprinting nails and creating grooves and channels to reflect the industrial history of the River Lea and its catchment area. Planting was carefully selected to enhance the distinct nature of the various character areas and offer year round interest for visitors. LUC selected unusual species for a playground, such as gorse and fox glove, to allow children to interact with these more risky plants and be aware of them, just as they would if they were playing in the UK countryside that inspired these character areas.

As one of the first legacy projects, the scheme design needed to continue the sustainable theme of the sports venues built for the Games. Creative use of existing on-site materials from the Games’ demolition was used effectively, with concrete rubble used to fill gabion baskets and create landforms, and 70 % of the playground scheme utilising left over plant stock to help reduce the project’s carbon footprint. Overall, the project successfully achieved LLDC’s vision for the legacy of the Olympic Park by achieving environmental innovation and making sustainability a commercial success, whilst also delivering high-quality neighbourhood play space to support both existing and future local communities.

Short office name: LUC
Role of the office in the Project: Landscape Architect & Masterplanner
Website: landuse.co.uk

Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
Architect, Lead Consultant, design of Scots Pine play structure: erect Architecture
Art & Engagement Strategy: Ashley McCormick
Structural Engineer: Tall
M+E Engineer: Max Fordham
Main Contractor: BAM Nuttall
Landscape Sub-Contractor: Frost
Scots Pine Play Structure: Adventure Playground Engineers
Sand & Water Play: The Fountain Workshop with Mel Chantrey
Willow work: Jim Buchanan
Cross and Cave: Studio Morison

Client: London Legacy Development Corporation
Project location: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford, London, UK
Design year: 2012
Year Built: 2013-2014

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Aviapolis总体规划,芬兰 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16698 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16698#respond Tue, 16 Apr 2019 02:51:28 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16698 非常感谢 C.F. Møller Architects  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   C.F. Møller Architects  for providing the following description:

C.F. Møller Architects设计的Aviapolis核心区域是世界上第一个在国际机场、自然环境、城市功能之间使用100%步行友好型道路连接方式的总体规划。Aviapolis是赫尔辛基国际机场(Aviapolis空港城)两侧的一个大型城市区域,是赫尔辛基大都市Vanta城市自治区的一部分。Aviapolis核心区域位于火车站旁边,其目标是发展成为Aviapolis最稠密、功能最齐全和通行最方便的区域。区域初始规划任务为容纳1000-2000名居民和提供10000个工作岗位。

Aviapolis核心区将沿着赫尔辛基国际机场向外延伸,区域城市功能主要包括一条100%适宜步行的人行道——The Strip。The Strip以即将建成的3号航站楼为起点,作为一条带有城市绿化的高架步行道盘旋在机场流线基础设施的上方。两层的交通组织管理方式将机场出发和到达点转变为世界上第一个依靠步行或自行车通行道路在国际机场和城市功能之间建立连接的地方——旅客可以步行回家或者像是一场短途旅行一样体验城市的功能设施。

The Strip步行道位于地面层,1.8km的长度贯穿核心区域并向南延伸,各功能区域沿着步行道相互衔接。The Strip像是一条河流,穿过校园、公园、广场、商业区、住宅和自然景观,连接公共交通方式并且通行便捷。The Strip成为了一个热门地点,其充满活力的全天候城市空间由一系列城市节点激活,如森林广场、校园公园和沿着道路的交通枢纽。总体规划的目标是将自然、城市和机场的现有元素融合为一个统一的城市有机体,塑造一个对游客、居民、学生、工作者和艺术家具有同样吸引力的地方。这个绿色和社会可持续性的步行城市,将世界与芬兰连接起来。

Size: 730000 m² total, Housing 277,000 m², Offices 232,000 m², Aviation school 25,000 m², Hotel 7200 m², Public Building 48,000 m², Mixed use 80,000 m², Commercial 5400 m² and Parking 30,000 m²
Address: Vantaa, Finland
Year: 2019
Architect: C.F. Møller Architects
Landscape: C.F. Møller Architects

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Marina Alta花园,西班牙 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16538 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16538#respond Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:39:46 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16538 非常感谢   Pepe Cabrera  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards  Pepe Cabrera  for providing the following description:

Pepe Cabrera在西班牙白色海岸(Costa Blanca)区域设计了一个具有康定斯基风格的花园,将其完美而永恒地呈现在广阔的大地上,充满了自然特性与创造力。Pepe Cabrera设计的这个项目是对传统花园的全新尝试,对艺术方面的参考赋予了花园康定斯基画作所特有的风格。某些特定的阿拉伯庭院的特征出现在私人花园中。这是一个在极简环境中充满视觉效果的花园,材料与植物结合紧密,自然是所有事物的创造原则和基石。几何与有机元素结合在一起,为有序而天然的元素营造空间。这一愿景促使Pepe Cabrera设计一个在自然之中充满创意、由组织性的空间。曲线成为形象上的统领者,整合、划分、组织空间,与周围环境形成联系而非相互抵触。通过这种方式,Pepe Cabrera在抽象中获得了自由。他的设计作品与美学并存,为‘Jardín in the Marina Alta’的环境塑造了一种突出的自然现实主义。

项目本质上是花园与农业的相互统一。橘子树、杏树、网球场和住宅彼此联系,这种联系构成了Marina Alta私人花园在日常使用中的精妙之处,让周围环境变成一种纯净、亲切、几何型的视图,让规整的结构与自然融合。因此,围绕着‘Jardín in the Marina Alta’的农业景观是这片广阔土地发展的基础和灵魂。和周围的田野一样,干燥的石头边界围合内部种有树和本地植被的圆形区域,构成花园不同的高度层级。因此也可以说,在农业中使用的特色结构现在被Pepe Cabrera应用到了花园的结构中。

在创造空间连续性的目标下,Pepe Cabrera建筑及室内设计工作室建立了花园中由不同边界所产生的片段式艺术作品与本土特色的花园组成部分之间的连续性,使花园具有自发性和独立性。这些完整的圆形区域内部容纳了树木等自然元素并铺设树皮将它们间隔开。区域其它组成部分受到Alicante景观丰富色彩的影响,使用了土和石材结构。‘Jardin in the Marina Alta’花园中协调的色彩模糊了Pepe Cabrera设计与康定斯基作品之间的差异,让两者仿佛融合在一起,形成一种线条与体块之间的抽象组合。

本土植物和配套的滴灌系统实现了规则几何形与花园、传统农业地形之间的统一。同时也实现了私人空间与景观之间实用性与美学的融合。陡坡成为果树和热带野生植物之间的分界线,空间中一些元素作为花园亮点之处,将花园、住宅、周边景观联系起来。公园小径中使用的指引灯照亮了Vibia凳子和桌子。Pepe Cabrera设计的项目融合了艺术、装饰和自然,在对地形充分了解和Alicante海滨公园充满尊重的前提下,将几何、秩序与植被结合在一起。

Client: Private
Location: Denia, Spain
Architecture: Pepe Cabrera Architecture and Interior Design
Year of the project: 2018
Photography: Mayte Piera
Photographic Editor: Adrián Maroto
Text: Concha Rodrigo

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Kraličák瞭望塔,布拉格 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16472 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16472#respond Thu, 14 Feb 2019 12:30:47 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16472 非常感谢  Huť architektury Martin Rajniš s.r.o   将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   Huť architektury Martin Rajniš s.r.o  for providing the following description:

Štvanice海拔886米山顶上的这座瞭望塔是建筑师与当地滑雪度假胜地Kraličák合作多年的成果,处于Hynčice 与 Stříbrnice之间的最高点。35米高的瞭望塔现已建造完成并且全年开放,它位于雪坡森林度假区的中心,在观光缆车终点站区域,周边是一片美丽而壮阔的景色。一侧的老城是整个Jeseníky山脉的景观点,另一侧是Králický Sněžník树木茂盛的山坡,Morava河流也发源于此。




Architect: Huť architektury Martin Rajniš s.r.o – MgA. David Kubík
Adress: Úvoz 228/5, Mala Strana, 11800 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Website: http://hutarchitektury.cz
Project location: Ski resort Kraličák, Hynčice pod Sušinou, Czech Republic
Client: Ski Kraličák, info@mujkralicak.cz
Project year: 2017
Completion year: 2018
Area: 18 m2, 12 m2
Photo credits: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com
Co-authors: Structural stability: Static solution s.r.o. – Ing. Tomáš Fremr, Ph.D.
Project and realization: Taros Nova s.r.o. – Ing. Ondřej Orság
Used materials and products:
Reinforced concrete foundations – concrete C30/37
Micro stilts – steel tubes of a 89 mm and 109 mm diameter (steel S355), root diameter 200 mm and 300 mm
Main poles on tower and platform – wooden larch logs (C24), pressure impregnated, diameter of about 280 mm
Wooden bearing elements of the staircase, bearing elements of the glass view point – planed larch squared timber (C24)
Steel elements of the bearing structure of the tower and viewing platform – steel S355 J2, heat galvanized
Connection materials in the strength class 8.8 (heat galvanization)
Outer bearing cables – heat galvanized steel cables of 20 mm in diameter CS818 – 1960 MPa, a combination of system and atypical end pieces from steel S355 J2
Glass panes in aluminum frames, quenched glass
Viewing platform cladding and flooring – larch boards
Roofing (except for glass surfaces) – flat top roof with plastic membrane roofing and gravel ballast

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The Landscape Therapeutic Park in Brilon http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16444 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16444#respond Fri, 08 Feb 2019 15:38:02 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16444 非常感谢 Planergruppe Oberhausen  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   Planergruppe Oberhausen  for providing the following description:

The landscape therapeutic park in Brilon visualises the contrast between an open meadow valley and steep forest slopes. The redesigned spa park with the newly integrated “Haus des Gastes” is the attractive centre of the meadow valley with its beautiful trees, the fragrant flower meadows and hilly grassland. Important views to the city, to the white limestone rocks in the distance and up to the former ski jump were elaborated. In the south, the park is dominated by the woods surrounding the valley and the wide meadows that merged from the lawns. The forest represents the introverted counterpoint to the open meadowland. Along the landscape therapeutic path with the spa park as a starting point there are 13 stations that stage various moods such as clarity, harmony, confusion, mindfulness, contemplation and sublimity. Here, amazing things can be discovered, peace can be enjoyed, sounds and scents can be explored, and the alternation of light and shadow can be perceived. Recurring elements such as the comfortable benches, the red colour and the explanatory lettering, integrate these stations into the overall context of the extensive landscape.

1 Landscape window (“Landschaftsfenster”)
The landscape window is located on a small bastion which forms the ‘prelude’ and opens up towards the entire site of the landscape therapeutic way. A place of pausing before embarking on a tour to the other stations.

2 Grotto bridge (“Grottensteg”)
At the first contact with the forest narrow bridges lure the hiker into the mysterious penumbra. They lead into the romantic atmosphere of moss and fern-covered stone formations to the buried entrances of mysterious grottos.

3 Fairy sound (“Feenklang”)
When following the meadow path, the hiker at times hear bells ring softly from which he/she is lured up the slope on a zigzag path. The sound of small bells in the wind adumbrates the flight of the forest fairy. In case of doldrums the rope can be used to make them ring.

4 Stances (“Hochsitze”)
At the corner of the forest the visitor steps out of the shadow into the light. From the stances there is a particularly impressive view over the wide grassland and towards the distinctive spruce group on the horizon. The view changes from the narrowness of the forest to the open expanse of the grassy hilltop.

5 Ski jump (“Skisprungschanze”)
Freed from the proliferating green, the former fascinating ski jump presents itself over a long narrow meadow slope and gives a breathtaking view into the depths and into the distance. The balustrade of the jump-off platform juts out diagonally across the path and gives the hiker a hint to the feeling of flying. The head of the ski jump is marked by a ten-meter-high rocking swing scaffold.

6 Spring source (“Quellengrund”)
The Möhne spring was re-natured as a layer source and is an atmospheric and attractive place.

7 Path spider (“Wegespinne”)
On the eastern slope side, the path spider causes some surprise and confusion. Red oak beams follow the course of the path borders, marking this unusual crossing of three paths. Hikers can rest and orientate themselves.

8 Fairy wreath (“Feenkranz”)
High above the path, a fairy wreath shines red-shimmering in the diffuse light of the tall forest. The ring of coloured acrylic glass captures and bundles the daylight. After the fairy sound trails off, again the aura of the forest fairy becomes perceptible.

9 Poetry glade (“Dichterlichtung”)
A woodchip of split oak wood circularly frames a recessed glade in the forest. A narrow path leads into the light circular frame, a place to pause, to listen in, a retreat to read and read out aloud.

10 Cherry wood (“Kirschwald”)
Directly on the path side, a small forest of wild cherries begins: A flowering forest with edible fruits and bright yellow autumn colours giving the hiker a good reason to take a rest on the bench.

11 Hammocks (“Hängematten”)
At the end of the path through the forest several hammocks – located on the edge of the forest and partly shaded by red awnings – invite the hiker to relax. The view through the treetops into the sky and the clouds is complemented by the scent of the forest and meadow flowers.

12 Old town view (“Altstadtblick”)
Opposite the lakeside terrace, there is a view over the ponds towards the silhouette of the old town and St. Peter’s and St. Andrew’s church. A small square with benches draws the attention to this impressive view. A new aqueduct to the ponds is staged as a small fountain on the slope.

13 Lake terrace with cherry grove (“Seeterrasse mit Zierkirschenhain”)
The potential of the existing lake terrace was unleashed by removing the fencing of the ponds and by surrounding planting in order to bring the experience of water to the foreground. Furthermore, generous steps on the lakeshore allow direct access to the water. A lovely cherry grove replaces the formerly oversized plaza in the North, and a delicate pergola forms the ‘prelude’ to the lake promenade.

Landscape Therapeutic Park in Brilon

Project: Landscape Therapeutic Park in the Brilon Forestries
Location: Brilon (Germany)
Constructor: City of Brilon (Germany)
Landscape architects: PLANERGRUPPE OBERHAUSEN and B.A.S. Kopperschmidt & Moczalla (Germany)
Planning period: 2012 to 2013
Realisation: 2013 to 2015
Area Surface: 4,5 ha

Photo Credits: Claudia Dreysse

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丹麦 Camp Adventure Park http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15878 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15878#respond Sat, 29 Sep 2018 15:23:02 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=15878 非常感谢 EFFEKT 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards  EFFEKT  for providing the following description:

Camp Adventure Park是一个全新且独特的体验目的地。一条900米长的螺旋步道与一座45米高的观景塔相连,伴随螺旋步道的徐徐向上延伸,创造了一种在漫步森林之上的独特体验,让人们从另一个角度体验森林的壮丽景色。塔楼和步道是一个无缝的螺旋坡道,可以帮助各种身体状况的人们进入森林,体验森林漫步。Camp Adventure Park位于丹麦首都哥本哈根南部一处保护完好的森林(Gisselfeld Klosters Skove)里,距离哥本哈根有1小时路程。森林中有许多不同的天然景致,如湖泊,小溪和湿地。



这个新的树端步行道和观景台将成为Camp Adventure的一部分,Camp Adventure是一个已存在的冒险运动设施,包括树梢攀登和空中高空滑索等。

项目名:Camp Adventure Park
客户:Camp Adventure Park
获奖信息 :ICONIC Award 2017

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Flatås Park http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15610 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15610#respond Mon, 13 Aug 2018 07:43:35 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=15610 非常感谢 02LANDSKAP  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards 02LANDSKAP for providing the following description:

02LANDSKAP: designed the concept of the neighbourhood park in close collaboration with the municipality of Gothenburg. The ambition was to create a park with focus on supporting activities for various user groups and ages as well as providing great values as a green meeting place.

The merge of the strict tree rows and the soft shapes of the billowing hill-landscape creates places and landscape rooms for contemplation, active play, rest, movement and meetings. The spaces are characterized by the idea of joint usage by different groups. Either if you visit the park with a basketball, a book, a picnic blanket, your kick-bike, skateboard, restless legs, your dog, alone or with a group of friends you will find many different opportunities of an inspiring, restful or challenging environment to spend time in.

Via the main pathway stretching trough the cultural landscape a series of rooms with varied degree of tranquillity and intensity are connected through the park. At some locations the soft grass slopes are transformed with concrete ore rubber adding an extra dimension to the movement and possibilities in the park. All trough out the park there is possibilities to take a break at comfortable long benches with support and weather protection from screens and tree rows over-viewing the lively activity path or finely tuned perennial plantings. Except for the spatial tree rows the trees in the park are recurring in the form of tree groves, where the steams are creating interesting rooms to move through, as well as naturally scattered trees in the meadow and along the western and more tranquil parts of the hilly landscape in the park. Under many of the tree rows generous surfaces of ground covering perennials have been created. Alongside the active pathway and around the more calm gravel surface robust perennial plantings contribute to the experience of the park with display of pleasant colours and scents. In connection to the play areas in the park another layer of vegetation in the shape of shrubs are added to the overall structure in order to bring down the scale and provide these areas with additional exciting play opportunities.

Prospects for play are offered thought out the whole park due to the inbuilt challenges of the hills but are concentrated to the central parts of the park with well taken rubber surfaces and customized equipment for a wide spectra of ages and prerequisites. The big field of artificial grass in the northern parts of the park and the skate park are encouraging to movement and active play.

Office name: 02LANDSKAP
Role of the entrant in the project: Landscape architect
Website: www.02landskap.se
Project location: Flatås, Gothenburg, Sweden
Design year: 2015-2016
Year Built: 2017

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西班牙马约尔广场装置 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15451 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15451#respond Sat, 14 Jul 2018 20:03:14 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=15451 非常感谢SpY将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards SpY for providing the following description:



The main idea of this Project is as simple as recognizable. It consists of a 70-meter natural grass circle (3500 square meters in total) located in the center of the Plaza Mayor (Madrid) commemorating its 4thcentenary. Given the simplicity of such Project, both locals and tourists were immediately surprised by the decontextualization of the Plaza and the invitation to new ways to feel pleasantly and comfortably embraced. Over 100 thousand people enjoyed this artistic offer, along the 4 days that it lasted, that was also echoed by the most relevant National and International Media.

▼西班牙马约尔广场上出现了一个圆形的草坪,a circle grassland appears on the plaza026_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-960x719


An artistic work offered to citizens and tourists of all ages that were allowed to take part of it in a playful and direct manner, thereby achieving the creation of a milestone, a memorable memory and a temporary transformation of this symbol of the Madrid’s culture, on its 400th centenary.

▼先用围栏在广场上围合出了一个圆圈,railings help to enclose a circle on the plaza before construction

002_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x236 003_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x375

▼建造中的项目,in conconstruction

005_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x312 010_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x342

▼草皮细节,details of the turf

006_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x319 004_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-472x298

▼建造中使用的草皮,turf rolls used in the project


▼建造在一天内完成,the construction process completes in one day


▼项目以其至简的造型打破传统情境,和四周的历史建筑形成了鲜明的时代对比;the simple form successfully decontextualize the plaza, making a strong contrast with its surrounding historic architecture



The revitalization of this public space pretends to involve pedestrians with their own city. This type of artistic work turns the citizens into the artists and vice-versa; it also passes the floor to surprise, to encounter and invites to reflection. In other words, it openly shares the benefit of art with the whole public. Other cities, such as Paris, New York and Moscow, have already shown their interest for this artwork in order for their respective citizens to feel the experience.

▼人们可以从广场的铺砖上直接走上草坪,路面质感的变化与颜色、几何一起激活整个广场空间;people can walk directly onto the turfs from the hard pavement; the changes of floor texture, color and geometries activate the whole plaza area all together


▼项目成为公共空间的完美体现,人们在这里休息,同时欣赏着四周的古典建筑;the project is a perfect presentation of public space, where people rest and enjoy the beautiful view of the classic buildings



▼柔软的草皮让这里成为孩子的游戏天堂,the soft turfs makes the space a paradise for the kids


▼项目夜景,the project night view


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挪威Bohkegeargi公共休闲设施 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15163 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/15163#respond Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:40:53 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=15163 来自 Morfeus Arkitekter 对ALA-Designdaily的分享。
Appreciation towards Morfeus Arkitekter for providing the following descripti



Just south of Børvågen along Norwegian Scenic Route Andøya in Northern Norway we find the rock formation of Bohkegeargi; a protected Sami cultural monument where nature has carved out her own altar and pulpit.  Over the last 50-60 years this has been the venue of an annual open-air church service that attracts people from all over the district.  In pre-Christian lore, this was a sacred site, where Sami people made offerings to the gods, to which the sacrificial cave on the seaside bears witness.



On Thursday 7 June 2018, the NPRA is opening the new rest area of Bukkekjerka. The landscape surrounding Bukkekjerka is dramatic. The road separates steep mountains in the east from the open sea that breaks against the shore in the west. The view towards the north is magnificent, and Bukkekjerka is a good place to see both sea eagles and the midnight sun. If you are lucky, you may even spot a whale from land.



On Thursday 7 June 2018, the NPRA is opening the new rest area of Bukkekjerka. The landscape surrounding Bukkekjerka is dramatic. The road separates steep mountains in the east from the open sea that breaks against the shore in the west. The view towards the north is magnificent, and Bukkekjerka is a good place to see both sea eagles and the midnight sun. If you are lucky, you may even spot a whale from land.



The facility consists of different elements spread out in the landscape: Parking and service functions, a fire site on the shore, a free-standing seating bench, picnic areas, paths, and a footbridge that shows the way out towards the lighthouses. The introduction of the various elements into the landscape is to help uncover the inherent qualities of the place. The persistent architectural expression consists of folded concrete slabs, inspired by the jagged mountain peaks in the area. Variations within the same materiality arise from different functions, and especially in their encounter with different landscape situations.



The service building with toilets has one-way mirror glass so that the visitor in private may enjoy the view over the open sea and the row of mountain peaks in the north. On the outside, the mirror glass windows reflect the magnificent landscape. The building otherwise consists of polished, acid-resistant steel that reflects the surroundings. Furthest south is a picnic area on consecrated ground. This part of the facility is planned to be used for an annual open-air church service on the island, and is also a good place to study the characteristic geological rock formations of the area.


Location: Bukkekjerka, Andøya in Vesterålen, Nordland, Norway

Building Type: Main rest station for the Norwegian Scenic Routes 

Client: Norwegian Scenic Routes

Size: Approx. 260 m2

Architect: Morfeus Arkitekter / Partners Caroline Støvring & Cecilie Wille

Project leader: Hugo Fagermo, State Road Administration, Norwegian Scenic Routes

Contractor: Veidekke Entreprenør

More: Morfeus Arkitekter

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亚速尔群岛木栈道 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12331 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12331#respond Sun, 21 Aug 2016 11:16:06 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=12331 感谢来自 M – Arquitectos 对ALA-Designdaily的分享。Appreciation towards M – Arquitectos for providing the following description:

M – Arquitectos: The plan lies on a very particular geological site, known for its fossils abundance. For its scientific and educational environment, Pedreira do Campo is considered a natural monument. Therefore, the project look up for maintain it identify, and, for that motive, we considered two different walkways, one of which planned by us for contemplation purposes of the site, while the other is integrated on an existing one, maintaining its memory and identify. The first path slightly touches the rocky ground, as a form to avoid is presence at is minimum, whose wooden structure reveals intention to merge on the site. The slightness and organic walkway creates a nodal point, improving the geographical site itself whose structure ends on a fantastic viewpoint to the sea.


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西班牙Las Negras 滨海景观 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12198 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12198#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2016 07:38:26 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=12198 感谢来自 Jesús Torres García 对ALA-Designdaily的分享。Appreciation towards Jesús Torres García for providing the following description:

这在(西班牙)阿尔梅里亚地区的景观被当作拍摄场景已有四十年之久:从一个流派的诞生,如导演塞尔吉奥莱昂(Sergio Leone)执导的意式低成本西部牛仔片( Spaghetti Western)系列,其中以《 黄昏三镖客》(The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)和《荒野大镖客》(A Fistful of Dollars)最著名,以至导演理查德·莱斯特(Richard Lester)执导较温和的制作《我如何赢得战争》(How I Won the War)。这飞地之所以吸引了无数的艺术家前来为他们的大制作取景拍摄,就足见这景点实有其独具匠心之处。当然,这区地处偏僻及发展不少,亦是原因。

就以“拉斯内格拉斯”(Las Negras)为例,就能引出对公众元素的周到做法,这建筑与当地城市之间互动的整合,选材起了决定性的作用:木材的结构和周边长椅的面料皆有助于它能达至和谐协调的整合。这里利用上人类天生就有喜欢对称的心理,而用料就是此物的表达方式。这反映是指大自然的元素——海浪的声音、自然元素的材料和形状、植被、地质构造,以及引人注目的环境。在这里,建筑师只能对这内函的珍贵之处权充介体或传译。可能所有这些问题的答案,在于让城市景观及形式上自发性“自然孕育”,并充分受其本具的科学性——过程、层次结构和天然物料——所影响。


建筑师:Jesús Torres García 地址:西班牙,尼哈尔,Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata,合作者Silvia Cama, Barbara Costantino, Laura González Romero, Sara Pavón, Alba Márquez, Alba del Castillo,技术建筑师Juan Diego Guarderas García,建设单位Grucal Andalucía S.A. / Juan José Viciana,摄影师Courtesy of jesús torres garcía

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哥本哈根城市雨洪控制的景观规划途径 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12195 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12195#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2016 07:12:04 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=12195 感谢来自 SLA Architects  and Saunders Architecture对ALA-Designdaily的分享。Appreciation towards SLA Architects  and Saunders Architecture for providing the following description:

规划和景观设计公司 SLA Architects 公司和 Saunders Architecture 建筑事务所赢得了位于哥本哈根市中心 Nørrebro 区周围的 Hans Tavsens 公园国际设计竞赛大奖。该项竞赛的任务是设计规划公园和街道,并要在水文、生物和社会生态环境体系方面造福于社区。获奖的方案叫做“Nørrebro 的灵魂”,设计师创建了一个包含系统排水区域,以及适合公园的重新定向径流系统,而且能够在雨季期间完成净水过程。

Nørrebro 位于一块相对平坦的土地上,由于是靠近水边,因此特别容易受到大雨的影响。特别是在倾盆暴雨的时候,主要道路和地下室都会受到洪水的侵袭。溢出来的雨水都会涌向Peblinge湖,那是哥本哈根的三个不同形状的湖泊之一,暴雨过后,街道上到处是碎屑,一片狼藉。

为了解决这些问题,当地政府决定出资1.4亿丹麦克朗(2000万美元)用于 Hans Tavsens 公园的设计,这将会让该公园在同一时间储存18000立方米的雨水。这些雨水经过自然过滤后,再通过沿 Korsgade 街道上的植被排水系统慢慢的流到 Peblinge湖中。这一整条路径将在该地区形成一个带有自身小气候的新环境,并成为可供欣赏的城市景观的一部分。

这个新公园将建设一些有特色的场地各种体育活动场所,并将成为雨季的泄洪区域,这里建有一个喷泉,游乐场和一条通向附近墓地的小路。由于公园也通向湖边,这条水域也将经过 Blågaards 学校,因此它也将为学校的花园和操场提供灌溉水源。沿着Korsgade街的排水系统将作为道路和人行道之间的屏障,最终也会将沿着湖边的生活小区里的水排掉。

“我们的目标就是要根据城市的特性创造有效的解决方案,努力让城市避免洪水暴雨带来的灾害,同时为城市创建新的一系列连贯的空间,为市民建造更强大的社区,得到更环保、更自然的生活体验,为哥本哈根市民提供创造性的机会。”SLA 公司设计总监和合伙人 Stig L. Andersson 说道。该项目计划于2019年动工,并希望于2022年完工。

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巴塞罗那海滩上的亭子 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12178 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12178#respond Wed, 10 Aug 2016 06:18:23 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=12178 感谢来自 urban-think tank对ALA-Designdaily的分享。Appreciation towards urban-think tankfor providing the following description:

urban-think tank designs xarranca pavilion on barcelona beachfront
photo by marcela grassi, courtesy of miralles / tagliabue EMBT

on the occasion of BCN re.set, organized by architecture office EMBT, the ‘xarranca pavilion’ has been built in the beachfront plaça del mar, in barcelona. the project results from a collaboration between urban-think tank, the brillembourg & klumpner chair of architecture and urban design at ETH zürich, and the ESARQ-UICthe temporary structure creates a playful environment which promotes cultural exchange and social activity. referencing the children’s game of hopscotch, the arrangement leads visitors through a sequence of spaces from sòl (ground) to cel (sky). it is composed of a series of blue frames, with a variety of half height walls and swings interspersed which serve as seating. during the day, canopies shade visitors from the sun, while lights integrated within the framework illuminate the space at night.

responding to its theme of ‘europe,’ the pavilion is intended to represent the continent’s pluralistic and humanistic heritage, while symbolizing, through its progression of spaces, the hope and idealism that shaped the development in the post-war era.

the design team states, ‘with the xarranca pavilion, we reinforce our broader vision of an alternative framework for reading and acting within the city, highlighting social and cultural diversity while remaining committed to the idea of design as a collaborative and participatory act.

while largely influenced by social conditions of europe as a whole, the structure also references the history of the site, and serves to enrich the local community. the wall and frame composition of the pavilion reminds of the original fisherman houses, or merenderos, that once lined the beachfront area of la barceloneta, while inviting engagement and play to promote new levels of public interaction.

BCN re.set includes six discrete pavilions, and is part of the larger civic festival tricentenari BCN, which commemorates the 300th anniversary of the events of 11 september 1714. the occasion seeks to rediscover the city of the 18th century and to contemplate on the present and future urban conditions, through various exhibitions, debates, seminars, publications, routes, celebrations, and art works.

check out the identity-themed pavilion, designed by urbanus, also built for BCN re.set.

project credits:

design: ETH zürich + urban-think tank / alfredo brillembourg & hubert klumpner
project manager: danny wills, katerina kourkoula
construction coordinator: giulia celentano
project assistant: alexandra zervudachi

school invited: ESARQ-UIC
coordinador/director: vicenç sarrablo
tutors: jaime batlle, marta garcia-orte, eva damiá
students: sorina-stefania brasoveanu, paulina isaza, genís vilalta, marta guixé, marta delgado, sergi viñals, alexandre martínez i llapart, albert f. jové, monika rovira, jennifer vilà, carlotta cofano, marta esqueu, francesc roca, jaume nart, galam kim, emma mª vives, clàudia gratacós, eduard pascual, júlia rocaspana

rammed earth experts: sandra bestraten, emili hormías
structural consultant: samuel molist
graphic design: mayra monobe, jorge alavedra
builders: synergia sicons
sponsors: ETH zurich D-ARCH, ceràmiques collet s.a. (SIO-2), alsina, viabizzuno, titanlux, quantum sail design group, fundació navegació oceànica barcelona, ciments molins industrial

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法国FOUNDRIES GARDEN http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12124 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/12124#respond Fri, 05 Aug 2016 01:44:54 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=12124 感谢来自 ADH Doazan+Hirschberger对ALA-Designdaily的分享。Appreciation towards ADH Doazan+Hirschbergerfor providing the following description:

ADH Doazan+Hirschberger: The Foundries’ Garden is located on the « Ile de Nantes », one of the biggest urban projects under construction in France. The development is spread out in the length of an island in the centre of Nantes. Directed by Alexandre Chemetoff since 1990, the project is the transformation of a long unused factory and warehouse district into a large working and housing neighborhood of 350 hectares. Chemetoff’s vision for the project rests on two underlying ideas:
-make the most of the existing structures without demolishing,
-take into account the history and geography of the site, and its social environment.
The Foundries’ Garden project is located in the middle of the island, far from the river Loire, in a suburban zone with social housing and factories. The project consists in the rehabilitation of the building and public spaces around the Fonderies Atlantique complex. Fonderies Atlantique was a company specialized in manufacturing propellers for sea liners. Many famous liners were equipped with these propellers (Le France, Le Clémenceau) before the company changed its name and location. Industrial ovens, rails and three pits are visible traces of the old activity that remain on the site.

The main goals were:
-Create a “garden under a roof”: a covered public space for everyday use, children’s games and neighborhood social events (dinners, exhibitions…). Having the garden sheltered is a big advantage for all these public uses;
-Showcase the former industrial activity, not just as a museum but also as a legacy of a place where many local citizens were employed, worked hard and with passion and for which the conservation of the site is a emotional tribute to the city’s industrial past and to their working lives.

The garden is split into two parts:
-“Le jardin des fours” located around the former ovens. Here, we planted graminaceae, bamboos and arundos that will create “green columns” next to new water tanks.  The garden will become a kind of “machines gallery”.
-A “Travels Garden” occupies the main part of the site. It’s built 1,50m above the original ground level because of the polluted soil that needed to be stabilized. The travel theme is illustrated with a collection of plants that came into Europe through the Atlantic ports during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. These essences were imported thanks to overseas scientific and economic expeditions and became acclimatized.

The former iron structure was repaired and painted. The roof was replaced with a mix of full and transparent polycarbonate tiles. The site covering (roof and buildings around) protects it from the wind and allows the temperature in the garden to be 3 or 4 degrees Celsius higher than outside. This “greenhouse’s effect” allowed us to plant almost exotic vegetation. A covered garden needs a complete watering system: rain water is collected by 2 tanks (2x50m3) and redistributed through different watering networks. Humidity and freshness is maintained by mist spraying the plants.

Project: Jardin des Fonderies / Foundries’ Garden
Design:  ADH Doazan+Hirschberger
Location: Nantes, France
Area: 23 000 m²
Budget: 5 M €
Studies : april 04 / november 06
Works : may 07 / april 09
Text & Photos: ADH & Hervé Abbadie

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