景观-城市广场/办公 – ALA-Designdaily http://www.aladesigndaily.com ALA-Designdaily Fri, 24 Jul 2020 09:14:13 +0000 zh-Hans hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 V广场,立陶宛 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17821 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17821#respond Fri, 24 Jul 2020 09:14:13 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17821 非常感谢 3Deluxe 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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建筑和立面 | The buildings and façades



广场 | The square




Technical sheet
Title of project: V-Plaza – Urban Development
Discipline: Rebirth Project – Urban Development
Developer: SBA Group
Location: Vienybės aikštė, 44029, Kaunas
Start of planning: first quarter of 2015
Construction period: November 2017 – March 2020
Completion: May 2020
Plaza: 15 400 m2
Parking: 15 826 m2
Buildings: 16 862 m2
Cost: 40 Million Euro
photo credit:Norbert Tukaj

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成都hyperlane超线公园展示区 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17782 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17782#respond Wed, 22 Jul 2020 06:50:30 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17782 非常感谢 Rehwaldt Landscape Architects(链接https://rehwaldt.de/) 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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景观设计:ASPECT Studios
景观设计主创:Stephen Buckle,ASPECT Studios工作室总监
团队成员:罗彦,许宁吟,Alex Cunanan de Dios,周沫,底帆
效果图:ASPECT Studios,Aedas

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百年公园的新生 San Jacinto Plaza http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17538 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17538#respond Mon, 25 May 2020 03:36:43 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17538 非常感谢 SWA Group 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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SWA Group:SWA对埃尔帕索市中心商业区的历史聚集地-圣哈辛托广场重新进行了改造,创造了一个最先进的城市开放空间,同时有效地保护和歌颂了当地的历史和文化。该项目是社区密集发展的结果,涉及到大量的用户。积极的规划、环境和经济的可持续性,以及伟大的设计,已经成为促进人们对城市开放空间类型重新产生兴趣和投资的实际标准。

公园的规划是最主要的优先事项,社区同样希望保留其历史特征。因此,SWA将现有的正式轴线路径与非正式路径和桥梁整合在一起,引导公园用户到达各种活动区域,比如乒乓球、象棋和洗脸池(当地最喜欢的类似于马蹄铁但有水的地方)、儿童防溅区和放置了彩色座位的咖啡馆。在公园的中心,设计师们修复了路易斯·希门尼斯(Luis Jimenez)心爱的洛斯拉格托斯(Los Lagortos)雕塑,向45年前生活在广场上的短吻鳄致敬。他们与Lake Flato事务所一起,创造了一个金属结构来保护雕塑免受太阳直射,同时也为活动提供了一个遮阳区域。

Location:El Paso, Texas, United States
Client:City of El Paso, Texas; Mills Plaza Properties LP
Scope:Urban Design, Planning, Landscape Architecture
Size:1.73 acres

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悉尼达令广场全民公共空间,澳大利亚 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17441 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17441#respond Sat, 16 May 2020 10:04:53 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17441 非常感谢ASPECT Studios将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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由ASPECT Studios设计的悉尼达令广场公共空间现已建成开放。项目由Lendlease(联实集团)开发打造,将住宅、商业、零售功能和社区设施聚集在一起,共同围绕成为一个全新的公共空间。

达令广场由原来的悉尼娱乐中心和停车场改造而来,坐落于焕然一新的达令港生活区南面。Lendlease看到了该场地的巨大潜力,于2014年底为这块公共广场和相邻的巷道举办了概念设计竞赛。ASPECT Studios的方案设计最终斩获第一名,并获得随后Lendlease的委托,进行达令广场公共空间的景观设计深化工作。



The Exchange

The Exchange是一座约7层高的零售商业综合社区,这栋充满现代感和设计感的建筑业态包罗万象:其中有三层作为商业零售和高端餐饮店,澳大利亚联邦银行承租两层作为幼托中心,另外两层将作为最先进的悉尼市图书馆。

竞赛之初,业主Lendlease曾提出,希望项目主体地标建筑The Exchange能给人带来兼具多元社区和公共使用的功能。ASPECT Studios提议,将建筑形式设计为圆形,即告别传统的前后门概念,打破建筑与公共空间的边界。这一具有设计互动意义的提议成为了后来隈研吾事务所进行建筑设计的一个基础理念。受到悉尼郊区绿树成荫的景观的启发,隈研吾将自然力量与建筑主体融为一体成为一个强有力的符号。镂空螺旋上升的建筑立面由20公里长的有机木材包裹,并在体块和功能上自然延伸到公共空间,与周边区域完美融合成为达令广场的中心和目的地。

The Square


The Canopy Edge & The Boulevard

ASPECT Studios在广场西侧设计了一个带有遮蓬的休憩外廊。在为广场创造关键视觉落差的同时,也为人们提供了遮荫和放松的场所。除此之外,遮蓬还创造了从建筑到广场的视觉联系,强调了两者之间原本模糊的边界连接。林荫大道提供了色彩丰富的植被以及宽敞的座位供人们休憩。

The Lawn & The Grove


Steam Mill步巷及Little Hay街道
Laneways: Steam Mill Lane and Little Hay Street

ASPECT Studios与Lendlease、Leon Paroissien 一起联合为巷道的公共艺术和照明的设计提供了指导方向。最终,Steam Mill 步巷选择了艺术家Peta Kruger的方案、Little Hay 街区中选方案为艺术家Brendan Van Hek的设计——两条风格不同但熙熙攘攘的巷道,将人流吸引至达令广场的中心。独特的照明艺术装置在巷道上方创造了愉快的氛围,除了导视作用外,还激活了夜间场地活力。

达令广场除了为公众提供了绿色空间外,也已成为人们日常生活和公共活动的绝佳去处。ASPECT Studios运用承上启下的设计语言,从定植的桉树到本土栽植的设计,为所有年龄层提供了一个多功能的活力城市空间,深受居民、白领和游客的喜爱。

整个悉尼达令广场除了目前已建成的The Exchange之外,还将包括三个新的住宅开发项目、两个新的学生公寓大楼,每个建筑都将有活跃的、零售导向型的公共空间。

Project Name: Darling Square
Location: Sydney, Australia
Client: Lendlease
Design Team
Revised Master Plan: ASPECT Studios
Lead Public Realm: ASPECT Studios
The Exchange Architects: Kengo Kuma and Associate
Engineers: Arcadis
Lighting Artist for Steam Mill Lane: Peta Kruger
Lighting Artist for Little Hay Street: Brendan Van Hek
Photography: Brett Boardman
Text: ASPECT Studios

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2019 ASLA The Bentway公共空间,多伦多 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17366 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17366#respond Sat, 02 May 2020 10:43:14 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17366 非常感谢 PUBLIC WORK 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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– 2019年评审委员会











高速公路下方的空间被转变为连续、灵活且平坦的空间,将公共和私人用地结合在一起,并通过新的步道使步行交通变得更加便捷,同时使雨水和流失的土壤得以回收和重新利用,从而构建出与历史海岸线相似的地形景观。项目在材料的使用上也十分巧妙,并且以最轻的介入实现了最大的成效:铺地系统将重点集中在材料的循环利用上,其中包括大量从Leslie Street Spit回收的建造废料(Leslie Street Spit是一个垃圾填埋湖,在过去的50年间,这里汇集了多伦多大多数的建造和拆建废料)。混凝土立柱上的数字原本是修建时所做的标记,在该项目中被涂上了反光漆,以重新发挥寻路系统的功能。每种材料都反应出了场所精神,传达出多伦多丰富的建筑历史。



Strachan Gate包括一个高度灵活的露天剧场及阳台,这里设有黄色雪松木板构成的看台座位,以及一系列可转动的背景墙,可以阻挡来自附近公路的噪音。公共空间配备了洗手间和绿色空间,用于服务下方的表演人员。紧邻露天剧场的是完全使用现场材料填充的倾斜草坪,可以在举办大型表演和活动时扩大座位容量。位于约克堡游客中心前方的是一个72米长的、铺设着雪松木的“码头”空间,作为另一个活动场地。与之相邻的是由本地植物构成的“液态景观”,以及用于处理径流的雨水花园。




该项目的另一个独特之处在于,它通过让公众积极参与到公共空间的设计和塑造中来,为多伦多建立了一种新型的合作模式:项目的赞助者首先提出一个概念化的框架,而在具体的实施和社区构建方面则是完全开放的。Bentway区域还成立了独立的理事会,为多伦多高质量公共场所的规划、运营和维护提供了全新的模式。2018年1月,作为项目第一阶段的冰道正式向公众开放,在周末期间吸引了2万名游客。2018年8月,第二个开放的Strachan Gate启动了一系列全市规模的表演和活动。




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城市街道改造,丹麦奥本罗 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17342 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17342#respond Wed, 01 Jan 2020 13:42:43 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=17342 非常感谢 ADEPT  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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项目周期:2015- 2018年
设计团队:ADEPT, Topotek1, Atkins
项目地点:丹麦 奥本罗
图片版权:Hanns Joosten

http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/17342/feed 0
奥莱广场 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16869 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16869#respond Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:24:09 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16869 非常感谢 MASU Planning  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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Form non-space to a timeless pocket square

Sct Olai went from being a non-space to providing Roskilde with a calm and timeless urban space. Here, the subtle use of new and re-used materials of high quality gives identity and atmosphere to the quiet square and passage that runs parallel to the busy pedestrian street.

Before, it was a parking lot on the backside of the shopping street, a non-space that you would just pass by. Now, it is an important link of ‘Kulturstrøget’, a network of cultural institutions, and the square functions as entrance to Roskilde Art Museum. The transformation is part of the city’s strategy to create more variation in the city center by designing spaces that highlight the cultural institutions and urban spaces that are without commercial character. As such, Sct Olai provides a break from the shopping street and room for reflection and conversation.

With only a few elements in high-quality materials

The square consists of only a few elements – a granite pavement, granite slabs for accessibility, a brick wall, a small stream in cast iron and the sculpture ‘Ragnarok’ by the Danish artist Bjørn Nørgaard.
All the materials used are long-lasting. The chosen materials blend in with and complement the surroundings. With a repurposed granite stone as the main element, the granite stones were originally part of the pavement around Roskilde Cathedral. The water canal in cast iron highlights the tactility of the rough granite, setting a new contemporary frame.

A brick wall creates a new facade

The square was missing a façade to the east, so we introduced a brick wall that separates the parking from the square. The dark brick was chosen for its color and high tactility, and every other row of bricks are brought forward to create visual interest. The terrain slopes from Algade towards the museum and the wall having the same top level from start to finish allows it to function as a 50 cm seating wall at its lowest point. The direction of the wall is broken along its course, to form a series of seating niches with benches orientated towards the afternoon sun.

The trickling sound of water

A small stream flows from a water feature at Algade in a cast-iron canal. The water runs across the square and ends around the sculpture in front of the museum. The flat steps of the canal create a trickling sound and draw your attention to the water, thus underlining the quiet character of the square as opposed to the busy Algade. Placing the water feature close to Algade invites shoppers and passers-by towards the square and the museum.

Office: MASU Planning
Office role: Main consultant
Website: www.masuplanning.com
Location: Roskilde, Denmark
Design year: 2013
Year of construction: 2015
Area: 1,200 m2
Budget: 3,000,000 DKR / 401.871 EUR
Client: Roskilde Municipality
Image credits: Kirstine Autzen

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广场的城市空间-保罗·格里莫 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16849 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16849#respond Wed, 19 Jun 2019 13:25:18 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16849 非常感谢 Agence APS  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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On the concrete slab without memory of the esplanade, the contextual and sensitive approach is conducive to rebuilding a story thanks to a rhetoric appropriate to the new reconstituted universes of the project. The evocative power of the project thus refers to situations experienced or places known by fans or enthusiasts of the mountain environment summer or winter – city dwellers, tourists or alpine skiers.

In the North, the triangle of the vegetable esplanade. The flat situation and the vocabulary of development refer to the geography of “limestone plateau” like the fabulous lapiaz of Parmelan.

On the southern edge of the Upper slab, the large central rectangle of the urban terrace, becomes the “beating heart” of the project. Its perched position visually open to the horizons, on the Semnoz mountain and on the Bornes massif, refers to the ambiances (or atmosphere) of the terraces of high altitude restaurants so popular with skiers on sunny days.

The third space establishes the link between the high slab and low slab. It is a garden of roses, which leans on the box of the carpark to better erase it. The urban inclusion of the garden in the slope is not without reminding the geographical situation of the “slope” characteristic of the mountain relief.

Short office name: Agence APS
Role of the office in the project: landscape designers
Website: www.agenceaps.com
Project location: Annecy, France
Design year: 2010
Year Built: 2011
Client: City of Annecy
Surface: 3400 m²
Budget : 1.000.000 EUR (pre-tax)

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种植平台和体验馆,深圳 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16820 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16820#respond Sat, 08 Jun 2019 15:35:40 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16820 非常感谢 墨照建筑设计事务所  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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项目设计 & 完成年份:2016/2018
建筑设计团队: 罗文国 沈家源 张凡 | 朱彦伦 洪凤莲 陈勋
景观设计团队: 罗文国 沈家源 | 洪凤莲 陈勋
室内设计团队: 罗文国 麦梓韵 | 朱彦伦
主要材料: 钢、樟子松木地板、清水混凝土

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宝安中心区四季公园,深圳 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16784 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16784#respond Mon, 27 May 2019 03:27:41 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16784 非常感谢 译地事务所  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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设计方: 译地事务所
摄影版权:译地事务所, Vorrarit Anantsorrarak
景观施工图设计:广东省建筑设计研究院 + 深圳市澳亚琞景景观设计
四季之门艺术品概念设计:UAP + eLandscript Studio
儿童活动设施: Kompan(康潘)

http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16784/feed 0
海上明月,广州 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16752 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16752#respond Tue, 07 May 2019 16:02:54 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16752 非常感谢 BOX-STUDIO  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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项目名称:海上明月 LUNA SEA
设计方:BOX盒子实践景观事务所 BOX-STUDIO(原:BOX 博克斯林景观事务所)
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018.10
Concept Design | 主案设计:Phoenix  纪凤涛  Wilson  刘样多  Kun  赖志昆  | BOX Studio  盒子实践
Cooperative Design | 协作设计:Tony 骆涛  Mark 林俊健  Ting 陈洁婷 | BOX Studio  盒子实践
Construction Design | 技术深化设计:Tao 李海滔 Yun 钟秀云 De 高建德 Yu 罗瑜 Adela 林思娴 | BOX Studio  盒子实践
摄影版权:Ben / 罗志宗   Chao Zhang / 张超
Architectural Design | 建筑设计单位:
建筑方案:Mix Design Associates / 迈思建筑设计
建筑施工图:Guangzhou HanHua Architects+Engineers / 广州瀚华建筑设计有限公司
Interior  Design | 室内设计单位:IAPA设计顾问有限公司
品牌:三种植物:凤凰木 朴树 龙眼  三种材料:镜面不锈钢 银色铝板 烧面芝麻灰

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Flowstate城市公共空间,昆士兰 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16739 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16739#respond Sat, 04 May 2019 04:57:11 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16739 非常感谢 Stukel Architecture  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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Flowstate是一个3000多平方米的城市更新项目,它模糊了建筑与景观、剧院与公共空间的边界。通过邀标竞赛,Stukel Stone作为首席顾问将South Bank年代久远的Arbour View咖啡馆区域改造为一个充满活力、能够使用3-5年的露天展馆及创意空间。新区域由三种体验区构成,包括草地休闲区、沉浸式数字装置和充满活力的表演馆,配备有剧院幕布、技术照明设施和音响设备。


South Bank公司推进的这一富有远见的项目,是一个激活公共空间的新机制,促使人们讨论一个城市应该是什么样子。South Bank Corporation主席Catherin Bull AM博士说:“在世界各地,领先的公共区域正在不断演变,South Bank Corporation的职责是监督、调整和改造South Bank,让它在公共和商业层面保持相关性、可取性和令人兴奋之处。






Walkway使用GratEX I系列38mm的标准微型孔距金属网,由Treadwell公司提供。材料表面防滑,呈褚黄色,通常用于工业领域和建筑物维护通道区域。Beacon金属网采用‘SUN20’2mm厚铝板, 孔洞为120x34mm,由Locker Group提供。这一材料能够在支撑结构之间达到600mm跨度、沿同一方向弯曲,同时作为展馆微型百叶窗为内部遮阳。


South Bank Corporation开发了Brisbane区域内沿着Brisbane河畔的城市空间,获得了许多奖项。他们持续性地对区域及事项活动进行日常管理和推广。项目是一个充满雄心和创造力的城市实验,揭示了未来的发展方向。


自2011年获奖的River Quay项目后,这是South Bank公园地带进行的第一个如此重要的再开发项目,为区域中心内创造性城市循环利用提供了切实有力的典范。项目于2018年2月揭幕,为期一年的多样艺术项目为市民提供免费的创意体验,为整个South Bank地区充满活力的文化探索与交流做出了贡献。



Project size: 1270 m2
Site size: 3000 m2
Project Budget: $1268000
Completion date: 2018
Building levels: 1
Project team: Stukel Architecture(leader design)

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Dandenong市民广场 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16716 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16716#respond Sun, 21 Apr 2019 08:24:47 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16716 非常感谢 Rush Wright Associates 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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The public square establishes a new type of space for Melbourne, creating a studied mix of the ‘urban park’ and ‘civic square’ typologies. In part shaded by a tall grove of advanced Cook Pines, and surrounded by inclined grass planes, the space is intended to work in many modes, creating spaces that work day‐to‐day for individuals, and which are capable of being programmed in many ways for events of many different sizes. There are about ten spaces of differing scale edging the main square, each with subtle, diverse character and detailing designed to sustain different forms of day to day use and for events. The ecumenical centre is left unencumbered, but able to shade by a grid of 19 large scale red umbrellas for summer.

Sustainability is focused on long‐life, low energy material which don’t need a lot of maintenance. The main body of the square is paved in granite, designed to stand the test of time. Other materials are also designed for longevity, including bluestone, inlays of patterned brick, and limited use of insitu concrete. Recycled timber is used where people sit, and to create the large scale seating platform edging the smaller plaza space addressing Lonsdale Street.

The main square drains to water the Cook Pines, which are planted in large tree pits designed to collect stormwater and to promote and prolong tree growth in this wholly artificial former building site. Other plantings are chosen for resilience and for drought tolerance.

The social life of the square is the primary driver of sustainable design for this community. The square offers a great many seating and other opportunities for active inhabitation. This seems to have been accepted almost immediately with local people and serves the many cultures already using the square, who value the opportunity to sit in larger groups, and to socialize in truly urban ways which reflect the origins of ancient cultures of many lands who have come to Dandenong. Sustainable design often focuses on raw technical criteria, but here the square functions to evidence Dandenong’s commitment to cultural diversity and a welcoming spirit that is the hallmark of Australian public life. Here everyone can have a fair go, and the square creates a unique civic tableau that has already become a vibrant and colourful heart at the centre of the Dandenong community experience.

Project name: Dandenong Civic Square
Architect’ Firm: Rush Wright Associates Pty Ltd
Website: www.rushwright.com
Lead Architects: Rush Wright Associates Pty Ltd
Project location: Walker Street (between Thomas and Lonsdale Street), Dandenong
Completion Year: 2013
Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 2270.0 sqm

Photo credits: Michael Wright/ Chris Erskine/Peter Bennetts

Other participants:
Client: City of Greater Dandenong
Lead Consultant and Architect: Lyons
Builder: Watpac
Civil and Structural Engineer: Bonacci Group
Services, ESD and Lighting: AECOM
Environmental Graphics: Material Thinking – Paul Carter, Edmund Carter
Building Surveyor: PLP Building Surveyors & Consultants
Quantity Surveyor: Slattery Australia
Key client project directors: Bruce Rendall, Darren Rogers
Landscape contractor: Living Landscapes
Trees: Trees Impact

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Vessel Public Landmark http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16622 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16622#respond Sun, 24 Mar 2019 11:05:45 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16622 非常感谢 Heatherwick Studio  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   Heatherwick Studio  for providing the following description:

Vessel is a new type of public landmark – a 16-storey circular climbing frame, with 2,465 steps, 80 landings and views across the Hudson River and Manhattan. It is the central feature of the main public square in the Hudson Yards development, one of the largest real estate projects in American history, which is transforming a former rail yard in Manhattan’s Upper West Side into a completely new neighbourhood, with more than five acres of new public spaces and gardens.

Heatherwick Studio was asked to design a centrepiece for Hudson Yards, something that would welcome visitors into the heart of the district and create a new place to meet in Manhattan. Part of the challenge was to create something memorable that would not be overwhelmed by the surrounding cluster of towers, or the scale of the new public space above the train platform. Exploring different possibilities, the team started to narrow the parameters: it should be a memorable single object, not a series of objects dispersed throughout the space; rather than an inert, static sculpture, it should be a social encounter, which encourages activity and participation – it should be fun.

By opening up voids between the steps to create a three- dimensional lattice, the public square could be stretched upwards, creating more than a mile of routes that could be explored in different ways. To create the continuous geometric pattern of the stepwell, with 154 interconnecting flights of stairs, the object had to be self-supporting – a discreet structural solution was required, which did not need additional columns and beams. This was resolved by inserting a steel spine between each pair of staircases, creating a natural division between ‘up’ and ‘down’. The raw welded steel of this structure is exposed to give the object clarity and integrity, and the underside of the staircases is clad in a deep copper-toned metal, setting them apart from the surrounding architecture.

Every element of the Vessel is bespoke, from the joints to the handrails. The 75 huge steel components were produced in Venice by specialist fabricator Cimolai, before being brought from Italy in six shipments, carried across the Hudson River by barge, and assembled on site in a process that took three years. Yet despite the size of the Vessel, it has been designed at a human scale, to be climbed, explored and enjoyed by New Yorkers and visitors – a simple structure, animated by people and the reflections of the square beneath.

Architects:Heatherwick Studio

Location:Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001, United States

Category:Landmarks & Monuments

Design Director:Thomas Heatherwick

Group Leader:Stuart Wood

Project Leader:Laurence Dudeney

Project Team:Charlotte Bovis, Einar Blixhavn, Antoine van Erp, Felipe Escudero, Thomas Farmer, Steven Howson, Jessica In, Nilufer Kocabas, Panagiota Kotsovinou, Barbara Lavickova, Alexander Laing, Elli Liverakou, Pippa Murphy, Luke Plumbley, Ivan Ucros Polley, Daniel Portilla, Jeff Powers, Matthew Pratt, Peter Romvári, Ville Saarikoski, Takashi Tsurumaki

Area:2210.0 m2

Project Year:2019

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2018 ASLA通用设计类荣誉奖: 杜克大学西校区的传承与创新,美国达勒姆 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16567 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16567#respond Sat, 09 Mar 2019 12:30:14 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16567 非常感谢  Reed Hilderbrand LLC Landscape Architecture  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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杜克大学的校园生活在景观设计的作用下发生了惊人的变化。在2007年至2017年之间,景观设计公司Reed Hilderbrand联合8家建筑事务所完成了5个独立的项目,将不同的功能空间、基础设施、历史广场以及校园路径转变为了一个统一而连贯的区域,展示了其卓越的设计领导力和对环境背景的敏感性。基于对历史文脉和设计意图的细致解读,景观设计团队将原本由Olmsted兄弟设计的具有标志性的西广场进行了更新,在为其赋予当代用途的同时,还凭借整体性的园林设计方法,使原先的树木和草坪恢复生机,并得以长期地生长和延续下去。为了将未充分利用的广场和与之相邻的繁忙的服务区域整合为一个充满活力的校园中心,景观团队试图以校园本身的材料特性和类型学为依据,围绕着社区的建立和学生的参与来塑造当代化且能够彰显场地特质的景观环境。在过去的十年中,这些举措和努力最终使一个生机勃勃的、网络化的校园得以实现,为历史景观和当代功能的共存提供了肥沃的土壤。




学校的西广场是由Olmsted兄弟和Horace Trumbauer Architects的Julian Abele于1920年代共同设计。宽阔的道路和被高大的橡树环绕着的中央草坪共同为广场赋予了尺度感和厚重感。广场的边界种植着大面积的绿植,平衡了周围哥特式建筑复杂精致的外观。虽然广场在近一个世纪以来都是校园中最重要的聚会和日常活动场所,但由于长时间的过度使用以及维护保养的缺乏,广场景观的美观度和质量都有着明显的下降。



景观设计师在维持既有结构和空间层次的基础上使广场的功能产生了变化,使其能够适应学生的生活方式和当代校园的功能需要。在该项目完成后,杜克大学将这座广场重新命名为Abele,致敬了美国早期著名的非裔建筑师Julian Abele。














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Skanderbeg广场 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16517 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16517#respond Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:14:38 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16517 非常感谢 51N4E   将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   51N4E   for providing the following description:

This project for the restructuring of Skanderbeg Square is the result of an international architecture competition won by 51N4E in 2008. The competition’s proposal, conceived in collaboration with Albanian artist Anri Sala, reorganizes Tirana’s central square, a vast ex-communist space, in a simple yet radical way. In a complex and dense urban context, on this site that is both the core of the Albanian capital city and a symbol for the whole country, the project installs a generous pedestrian area.

The square presents itself as a void in the chaos of the city, a flat pyramid lined by a densely planted periphery, formed by a collection of old and new public spaces and gardens. The resulting green belt acts as an antechamber negotiating the transition between the congested city and the square. The oppressive monumentality of Communist architecture is counteracted by the ample and low pyramid making up the square: when standing at its tip, the citizens find themselves at par with the authoritarian architecture of the past. They can contemplate the buildings defining Albania’s past, suddenly opened up to new ways of reading, and embrace them as a history on which to build on.

After the start of the works in 2010, and following a change in administration, the implementation of the project was abruptly halted. Yet a new election relaunched the project end of 2015. The evolution of the urban context, as well as a reevaluation of the ambitions of durability, offered an opportunity to refine the proposal while keeping the concept’s essence intact.

The project’s landscaping was studied anew, and turned into a local ecosystem anticipating the creation of a new urban ecology for the city. Local species were chosen to increase the system’s natural resistance by reacting to ongoing climate change. Trees, shrubs and perennials were combined to foster urban biodiversity and control the city center’s microclimate. Albania’s nature’s richness in diverse species and varieties is thus valorized, allowing public space to assume bot recreational and educative functions.

The green belt around the square is made up of 12 gardens, each of them linked to one or more of the public or private institutions lining the square. The spatial organization of these gardens, as well as their technical aspects, were studied in dialogue with all the main actors of the project over the course of several workshops. The result is a set of contextualized interventions, inviting public and semi-public neighboring functions to spread into the exterior space.

In the frame of the readjustment of the project, specific attention was given to mobility questions and investments in the immediate and broader context of the square. An underground parking garage, able to host multiple functions, was developed in collaboration with the city’s mobility services. Similarly, pedestrian and bicycle connections and links to the public transportation network were established.

Finally, local materials were preferred, both for logistic and symbolic reasons, which led to the reactivation of local stone quarries and turned the project also on this level into a revelator of the richness of the Albanian context and stimulation of its production capacity.


Location:Tirana, Albania


Architects in Charge:51N4E

Area:90509.0 m2

Project Year:2017

Photographs:Filip Dujardin, Blerta Kambo

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Battery公园 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16513 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16513#respond Sun, 24 Feb 2019 13:53:30 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16513 非常感谢 dhk  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   dhk     for providing the following description:

Battery Park is a new 12 000 sqm (1.2 hectares) urban park situated at a key entranceway to one of Africa’s most visited tourist destinations, the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, South Africa. Developed as the nucleus of a larger urban vision for the district, the site includes a park and piazza that effectively conceal a 1 206-bay parking facility as well as new pedestrian routes to invigorate the precinct with activity. The site is of archaeological importance as it contains the remnants of one of the city’s oldest structures, coastal fortification the Amsterdam Battery. This provided a unique opportunity for architecture and urban design firm dhk – to pay homage to the historic landmark whilst incorporating a parking facility and providing spaces for leisure and recreational activities.

The project forms part of an urban design framework created by dhk for the V&A’s previously underutilized Canal District that facilitates the reconnection of the historical city center and De Waterkant to the V&A. The aim was to create a publicly accessible park which lies at the nexus of a multitude of new pedestrian routes stitching the new district into the surrounding urban fabric and thereby helping to invigorate the area.

The Amsterdam Battery was erected by the Dutch along Cape Town’s coastline in 1784 to defend the city from seaborne and land attacks. In the 1800s the building was used to house prisoners, and was later remodeled and strengthened by the British but eventually abandoned. In 1905 the battery was largely demolished to make way for railway connections to the port, leaving behind only a small portion of its rear curved walls. The historical remnants are now perched eight meters above the new canal running through the site at a lower level.

During construction of Battery Park, archaeological excavations revealed former datums which were used to inform the design. The raised park has been kept at the battery’s original inner courtyard level whilst planted edges above retail units on the piazza represent the estimated natural ground level that fronted the battery. Various architectural and landscaped elements reflect the structure’s original footprint, such as semi-circular curved pathways, concrete additions to the rear ramparts, splayed canal-facing walls and concrete-clad structures – giving visitors an authentic sense of the battery’s former size. An axial visual connection to Cape Town’s Noon Gun on Signal Hill has also been retained, thus preserving the site’s historic sightline.

The requirement to respect the original inner courtyard datum and create a lower-level piazza resulted in an elevated park with views across the V&A and CBD but with the challenge of managing the transition between the two levels. Therefore, a large part of Battery Park’s design concept was manifested in breaking the barrier between the park and piazza and bringing them closer to one another.

As a result, the park level has been designed to gradually lower towards the canal edge providing a closer connection to the piazza, and in turn, the piazza gradually steps down towards the canal. The vision was to create a scale between the two levels and provide visual cues to visitors; offering a glimpse of the park while they meander along the canal edge. This was also achieved by means of various soft and hard landscaping elements such as a grand concrete staircase leading from the piazza to the park, sloping and folding walls, and plants to draw the eye to the park above.

On the elevated park level, visitors can explore landscaped gardens with trees and stone-clad planters, meandering walkways with built-in benches, a concrete skatepark, basketball court, and new pedestrian routes. Throughout the park and piazza cantilevered steel pergolas scale the design and provide much-needed shade. The lower piazza level contains 11 boutique retail units that line the splayed canal-facing walls and form an active eastern edge to the new canal pedestrian route.

The intention behind the piazza was to activate the canal via a range of water sports and provide a link between the V&A and the CBD – encouraging a pedestrianized environment. Referencing the battery’s original façade, loosely packed stone-filled gabion walls shroud the parking facility and stone-clad planters contain fynbos and water-wise plants. All stone used throughout the park and piazza was excavated from the site during the construction process. These antiquated elements juxtapose contemporary insertions that reference the battery rather than replicate its heritage.

The materials palette includes a selection of hardy materials that suit the robust nature of the park, namely, concrete, stone, and steel. Concrete was chosen as a “material of our time” for new structures as it can be clearly distinguished from historic elements, ensuing little misinterpretation. A precast concrete panel structure dubbed the interpretation pavilion has been built to the estimated height of the battery’s original walls and links the park, piazza and parking facility via internal elevators.

To resemble cannon embrasures, three small openings form part of the structure’s canal-facing wall. Historic cannons from Amsterdam Battery found scattered throughout the V&A by the Cannon Association of South Africa and preserved for the development of the park are now on display inside the interpretation pavilion. The artifacts sit on top of precast concrete plinths, made to resemble old timber cannon carriages, allowing them to protrude through the embrasures and overlook the canal.

Director at dhk and lead architect on the project Pierre Swanepoel says, “The intention was to facilitate a new hub of activity within the V&A district whilst being respectful to the heritage of the Amsterdam Battery, once a place of exclusion and incarceration, but now a public space designed to support and engage the greater Cape Town community”.

Architects:dhk (Pierre Swanepoel, Martin Lardner-Burke, Theo Gutter)

Location:Battery Park, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa


Project Manager:Igual (Ben Day)

Area:12000.0 m2

Project Year:2018

Photographs:Dave Southwood, Theo Gutter

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Piazza del Cinema http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16490 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16490#respond Mon, 18 Feb 2019 15:49:17 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16490 非常感谢 C+S Architects 将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   C+S Architects   for providing the following description:

In 1857 the construction of the first seaside resort on the island of Lido in Venice was opening a stage of splendor for the island when parties, concerts, events were happening. The two major hotels: Grand Hotel des Bains, completed in 1900 and Excelsior Palace Hotel, in 1908 were transforming the island of the Lido in one of the most desired and sought-after seaside resorts in Europe. The Cinema Festival Palace and the Casino Palace were attracting huge numbers of tourists.

With the hit of the economic crises, a period of decline brought the disposal of the Grand Hotel des Bains and a lack of investment both from the private and the public sectors, being the Venice Cinema Festival the only international event which still continues the glories of the past, only once a year. The venues, which still testify the glorious past of the Venetian resort, are the Venice Cinema Festival Palace and the Casino Palace.

C+S designed the new public space sewing together the three elements which create the identity of the site: the historic and listed buildings of the Casino Palace and Venice Cinema Festival Place, connecting them with a white, continuous stone-made public space, which aims to enhance the dimension of the former historic public domain, unifying the two buildings with the park and bringing back the memory of its original design, testimony of the splendour of the Belle Epoque.

The square is heightened from the original level to allow the view of the sea and is entirely designed using the monochrome Apricena stone. The use of a monochrome surface for the whole public space confirms and underlines the strengths of the dimension of the public space, avoiding the fragmentation of the use of different materials.

The design of the materiality of the rolled or sanded pieces of the stone, the water drainage system and the fountain- designed as thin cuts and shadows on the white surface of the stone, the brass or varnished steel railings, the benches in reconstituted natural marble stone, the newly planted and autochthonous maritime pines and the sinuosity of the garden- which is designed as a symbol of a third building which was meant to complete the square but was never built: all these elements are designed as accents in the continuity of the monochrome materiality.

The square, designed to serve the Venice Cinema Festival, is invisibly infrastructure to potentially allow the activation of events during the other months of the year, but especially to give back a free public space to the inhabitants of the Lido island: mums with prams, skaters, kids playing with the water fountain, old people relaxing under the shadow of the trees and watching the sea.

“We are proud to have contributed to give back the citizens a part of the city. We strongly believe in the power of a free, well-designed public domain to be activated by people, their memories, their dreams, and their experiences”- says Carlo Cappai and Maria Alessandra Segantini. Part of the design was also the adaptive reuse of the ground floor of the Palazzo del Casinò, which was designed to recall the former splendor.

Architects:C+S Architects

Location:Lido di Venezia, Italy

Category:Public Space

Lead Architects:Carlo Cappai, Maria Alessandra Segantini

Area:20100.0 m2

Project Year:2018

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Canal Corridor, King’s Cross http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16466 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16466#respond Wed, 13 Feb 2019 15:39:35 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16466 非常感谢 Townshend Landscape Architects   将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
Appreciation towards   Townshend Landscape Architects   for providing the following description:

The Canal Corridor runs through the heart of the King’s Cross development along the Regent’s Canal. The Canal Corridor is a series of spaces, forming a linear park over 600m long that provides connections to and from the surrounding area.

The waterway played a vital role in shaping the area’s history. Once the tradesman’s entrance to the industries that lined its banks, a new public realm has been delivered making it a place to be enjoyed by everyone. Improving access and re-establishing its importance as a route and a focus for biodiversity was a key goal. The Canal Corridor is part of the wider King’s Cross redevelopment of 67 acres of redundant rail marshalling yards north of King’s Cross and St Pancras Stations.

The King’s Cross masterplan identified two key axis, the first, a north-south central spine extending from St Pancras and King’s Cross Stations in the south, over the Regent’s Canal, through Granary Square to Lewis Cubitt Park and York Way beyond. The second axis is an east-west link along the Regent’s Canal connecting under the railway lines to Camden in the west and to the Maiden Lane Bridge and Islington to the east, forming the Canal Corridor.

The Canal Corridor aims to celebrate the architectural heritage whilst improving access and re-establishing its importance as a route and a focus for biodiversity. The corridor has the most open aspect of anywhere at King’s Cross and its south facing location means that the corridor receives sun throughout the day.

From east to west these spaces are as follows: Wharf Road Gardens – the sinuous landscape with undulating lawns running along the southern side of the Handyside Canopy to York Way. The towpath and Ghat Steps – a new canal path north and south of the canal with seating steps connecting the towpath and Granary Square. Bagleys Walk- the linear landscape running along an existing viaduct structure. Gasholder Park and Gardens – the winding landscape flowing around the Gasholders structures and the more formal landscape within the structure of Gas Holder。

The Canal corridor has been delivered in phases over a number of years with the final piece, the Gasholder Gardens, opening in Autumn 2017.

Architects:Townshend Landscape Architects

Location:Kings Cross, London, United Kingdom


Other participants:King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership, Bell Phillips Architects, Dan Pearson Studio, Arup (Triplets) and Peter Brett Associates (PBA), Hoare Lea, Peter Brett Associates (PBA) (Arup Triplets), Gardiner & Theobald, Carillion (Triplets and GH8), BAM (Viaduct), BAM Nuttall (Ghat Steps & Granary Square), Kier (Wharf Road), Applied Landscape Design (ALD), Maylim, Willerby Landscapes, Miller Druck, SH Structures, Little Hampton Welding

Area:20900.0 m2

Project Year:2017

Photographs:John Sturrock

Manufacturers:Green Wall

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乡村广场 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16418 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/archives/16418#respond Sat, 02 Feb 2019 05:44:11 +0000 http://www.aladesigndaily.com/?p=16418 非常感谢 Espace Libre  将以下授权ALA-Designdaily发行。
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La Place du Village – The archetypical public space of a French small town

Breuil-Bois-Robert is a small town of 800 residents situated in the western countryside of Paris. The community wanted to bring new life to its central square, after the resurgence of young households in the town. The square, named Place des Tilleuls, had to get back to be a Village Square, an intense urban core at the scale of a rural town. After the competition, our primary goal was to minimize the parking surface, limiting it to a peripheral position. Thereafter, it was possible to design a park-square, with the aim to give value to the existing centenary lime trees and to open up the view towards the Vaucouleurs hills. The paths and circulations of the public space will cross the square from side to side, in order to ensure accessibility for disabled people. The structure of pedestrian axes define five main spaces within the square: the forecourt of the town hall, the exterior “parvis” of the church, the playground, the multi-sport field and the esplanade. This open space is especially interesting, due to the many ephemeral activities that take place within (open-air cinema, bowls tournament, concerts). The esplanade is used on daily basis as the main entrance of the local primary school and provides a calm space, where children and parents can take their time in the renewed urban core of Breuil-Bois-Robert.

Design : Espace Libre
Website: www.espace-libre.fr
Manufacturer of urban equipment: IJSLANDER – BEGA LIGHTING
Tree Nursery: Bruns Pflanzen
Location: Breuil-Bois-Robert – 14, rue de la Libération – France
Design Year: 2012
Year of Construction: 2015
Surface: 6500 m²
Budget: 680 000 euros

Image credits: Julien Falsimagne

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